Frequently asked questions
Why work with us?
We bring many years’ experience and a passion for new homes. We can show you what we do with our own money and what we care about. Tom and his family are currently building their own self build low energy home in Devon and Oliver is managing a new community led eco home development in Totnes.
The way we work creates a partnership with the landowner where our legal and financial interests are aligned. This means we collaborate to ensure each party is clear about process and the results.
The landowner can take an active or passive role in the process and we are available to discuss and advise on the tricky issues that are bound to crop up.
One aspect that is often valued by landowners is that we are the face of the project so, to put it bluntly, we take the flack and allow landowners to stay removed from the process if they wish.
What value do we bring?
With backgrounds in design, planning, quantity surveying and project management we bring a creative and financially robust approach to development. We are experienced in the industry and have a network of contacts which enables us to carry out the necessary technical work and know what is necessary and when.
By working with us you remove the financial risk and let us take responsibility for ensuring the project is a success. As we only get paid if we are successful, we are fully committed to your project.
How much will it cost?
We work on the basis of receiving a percentage of the proceeds from sale of the land once planning permission has been secured. If we are successful, we will be due a fee based on a pre-agreed percentage. This will reflect the time, effort and expense that we put into the scheme and risk that we have taken.
If we do not secure planning permission no fee is payable.
Could I do it myself?
Yes of course. You could promote your own land but you will be taking on the financial risk and the complex work that is involved in the development process.